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I start my day MOST mornings by reading "Our Daily Bread". It's had short little devotions just long enough for a cup of coffee and a good jump start from the Word of God. As with any devotional, I can put little effort into it and make it a 5 minute devotion or dig a little deeper and stretch it out as long as I want. Either way, what better way to start my day to focus on God?
Today's devo. came from Heb. 4:11-16.
This passage contains a much preached on verse: "The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword . . . " Now I could really dig into that verse. That's pretty powerful! God is VERY active in my life . . . when I allow Him to be. Just like any of my other friends and family, I've been know to not pay close attention to God when He speaks or get busy and not talk to Him.
The devo. could have gone on about God's Word being relevant for anyone and anytime. Have you ever been in a Bible Study or listening to a sermon and thought God was speaking directly to you about one thing and later you found out your friend thought the same thing but neither one of you "heard" the same message? Amazing how that works, huh?
But today's devo. was focused on verse 15: "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Pretty cool to know Jesus has "been there - NOT done that". The illustration was about following a recipe to make the perfect cookie. But life has no simple recipe, doesn't always turn out the way we thought it should, and WILL have temptations and heartaches along the way. Trust Him with our tears and grief.
But did I pick up on any of those wonderful thoughts and lessons? Nooooooo! All I could focus on was PART of verse 11: ". . . make every effort to enter that rest . . . " This particular verse wasn't talking about sleep but that's all I could think about! Sometime when life leaves me "burning my candle at both ends" I have to have a "wake up call" (yes, pun intended). I have to remind myself every once and a while that "On the 7th Day God Rested" isn't just a message of "Remember the Sabbeth and Keep it Holy". Yes, that IS the most important part of the message, but it's more than that. God designed our bodies to take a rest - to "Be Still and Know that He is God." How can a person KNOW anything when they're too tired to think? Just like we put meetings and events on our calendars, it may be necessary to put "rest" on our calendars.
So, there you have it - I'm tired . . . and late . . .
Where's my calendar? I need to write "something" in it!
Where's my calendar? I need to write "something" in it!